We introduce you to carefully selected non-toxic products and brands that in our opinion meet great standards of non-toxicity, and which at the same time are functional and effective according to their purpose.
We ship to Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, France and The Netherlands.
Shipping to Denmark takes place 2-3 times a week.
Shipping outside Denmark takes place once a week.
The Shop
The Collections
The non-toxic industry is large, but not all brands have the same (high) standards.
Therefore, our aim is to become the Wingman for True Non-Toxic brands that do not
only have the highest of standard for non-toxicity of their product, but who’s
uncompromising strategy is love and care for our planet, each other and our
wellbeing. So let us introduce you to The Home Collection, The Body Collection and
The Kids Collection. All three collections embrace the everyday life of you, your
home and everybody else in it. Every collection has a hand full of brands with each
their products truly living up to our non-toxic definition and standards.
There are no limits or specifications to the Collections. You are welcome to explore
them all.
In this online shopping universe, the purchasing experience has slightly changed, and the act of opening a package has become less exciting. We aim to provide you not only with a purchasing experience through our Rollor Packaging, but we also wish to inspire you to reuse or even regift your Rollor Packaging and all the other small items that might come along with your products.
Show us your creative ways how you reuse your Rollor Packaging by using the hashtag #sunshinerollor.